Learn how to install QuickRecruit. QuickRecruit comes with a pre-built installer. Please follow below steps to run the application:
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Learn how to install QuickRecruit. QuickRecruit comes with a pre-built installer. Please follow below steps to run the application:
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Before start the process of installing, you will need to create a new database. If you already know how to do this or have already created one, skip to the next step. In most cases you should be able to create a database from your cPanel. The process of crating database is something like this:
Sometime you might have to create database through phpMyAdmin.
Please remember or note down following database credentials : database name(db name), database username(db username) and database password(db password)
After creating a database,
Download the source code zip file from CodeCanyon. Unzip the downloaded zip file. You will see three folders named Database, Documentation and Main Script.
Navigate to Main Script folder and upload the zip file into your hosting ftp root folder. (Usually ftp root folder are called public_html or www or html or something like this).
After successful upload, Extract the contents of the uploaded zip file to the same directory i.e public_html or html or www etc.
After extracting you should have something like this on your server
Now navigate to the web url(i.e:, where your project is located. You should see a Installation Wizard
A seeded database is provided so that you can start using the application in no time. First go to the unzip folder. You should found three folder inside it, namely Database, Documentation and Main Script. In the Database folder you will find a SQL file. Import the SQL file into the database that you created previously. Import process is as follows:
First go to phpMyAdmin and open up the recently created database
Then click on Import tab. You will see a screen as
below image :
Upload the file and click on button with text Go. You will find the button on the bottom of import tab. After successful import you system will be loaded with data you need to operate.