Payment Settings

Set Razorpay and Stripe public and private keys

Payment Settings

After setting application settings please set up payment settings. Two payment gateway is integrated into the system: Stripe and Razorpay. Both are used to collect payment from company.

Stripe and Razorpay are to collect payment from company. If none of them are filled company won't be able to make payment, therefore they won't be able use the system. For system to work properly either of them is required.


Stripe is integrated into the system. For stripe to work in the intended way stripe provided Public and Secret Key are required. To obtain stripe keys please stripe documentation. Documentation could be found in this link


Same as stripe razorpay is also integrated into the system. For razorpay tow work with QuickRecruit SaaS app please obtain razorpay provided public and private keys. Please follow this documentation to collect mentioned keys. Documentation could be found in this link.

Last updated